
The How and Why of PLNs 2

The title of the following (older) post is a link to the Prezi presentation and The handout is here: http://www.slideshare.net/Jonessensei/personal-learning-networks-7623819

The presentation went really well, and I enjoyed sharing with the people who attended. I wish there had been a few more local teachers able to attend, but that is ok. I will be re-presenting this session at the Al Najah conference in May. Due to time constraints I will have to cut this 55 minute presentation into 30 minutes. This will be an interesting thing to do. I intend to cut out half of my beginning, where I explain what a PLN is, as well as cut a good portion of the research. As it is, the presentation was nearly 2 hours long with all the research left in. I cut it hugely before the presentation I gave. It is so hard to cut and figure out what people will want to know more about. I think if I skim the research and touch on the most important pieces it will work fine. I want to keep all of the section on How to build a PLN because there are always so many teachers in this setting who simply don't know how to do it at all.

I only wish I could do this as more of a workshop than a presentation. But I will offer for anyone who wants it, and I can always do videos on Teacher Tube of how to set up the PLN using my recommended sites. In fact, I think I will try that next.

Thanks to anyone who attended.

1 comment:

  1. This presentation was not as enjoyable as the previous one, and didn't go very well in my opinion. I will not be doing this session again. In the future, I will do a workshop style presentation on the actions of setting up a network for students rather than explaining the how and why. I think that teachers don't really want to know the why so much as what exactly they need to do in order to connect to another class, and what they will need to do with the students themselves.
