
More Resources

I have found a few new resources and want to get them up before the semester ends and I forget or lose track of these excellent resources. Another great E-Comic site that allows comic blogging as well. I think it could be used in conjunction with a restricatable blog site to allow your students to create blog strips for regular concise writing practice. Professional development for educators by educators, interesting start. Hong Kong Movies for subtitling

That is it for today, but I have so much more to share.

I can't wait for next year. I plan to do an entire semester of work with Xtranormal. There are people at the men's college who heard about it from my presentation (or from attendees... thanks guys!) who are now using it prolifically! I am so excited and can't wait to see what comes of this. These tools are a great way to motivate, to excite, and to produce so much in the way of language.

Xtranormal is also being examined at the lower elementary levels by teachers here in the UAE as well. I am so glad to have spread the news. It is exciting to know that your sharing is going somewhere.