
The How and Why of PLNs 2

The title of the following (older) post is a link to the Prezi presentation and The handout is here: http://www.slideshare.net/Jonessensei/personal-learning-networks-7623819

The presentation went really well, and I enjoyed sharing with the people who attended. I wish there had been a few more local teachers able to attend, but that is ok. I will be re-presenting this session at the Al Najah conference in May. Due to time constraints I will have to cut this 55 minute presentation into 30 minutes. This will be an interesting thing to do. I intend to cut out half of my beginning, where I explain what a PLN is, as well as cut a good portion of the research. As it is, the presentation was nearly 2 hours long with all the research left in. I cut it hugely before the presentation I gave. It is so hard to cut and figure out what people will want to know more about. I think if I skim the research and touch on the most important pieces it will work fine. I want to keep all of the section on How to build a PLN because there are always so many teachers in this setting who simply don't know how to do it at all.

I only wish I could do this as more of a workshop than a presentation. But I will offer for anyone who wants it, and I can always do videos on Teacher Tube of how to set up the PLN using my recommended sites. In fact, I think I will try that next.

Thanks to anyone who attended.


The How and Why of PLNs

This Saturday (and again in May) I am doing a presentation on using PLNs. This topic is hot right now and it should be. This is a fantastic way of controlling the constant intake of information that we must field as teachers every day. It is also a good way of teaching the students to make appropriate educational connections that will help them in their future acquisition of knowledge.

Anyway, the title is a link to the Prezi presentation and I will have the slideshare handout document shared in a few moments. I just have to finish the last touches. Hope you find this useful.



Recently my presentations have been more focused for students, so I have not been posting a lot. Having moved into the Independent Learning Coordinator position, the students are my main concern and their independence as learners is my primary focus. I have added the link to one of my many presentations that I have been giving. This one is my favorite Tool, Snag-It. I am also working on a new presentation for TESOL Arabia on PLEs in the UAE. I will post it here before I present.