
Spelling City Review

In order to better serve our teachers, I established a limited number of Premium Spelling City accounts for my English teachers. This meant purchasing 600 student premium licenses. After establishing this service with the teachers and students in the English classes, I was approached by the B.Ed courses with a request for licenses for their department as well. Spelling City was really working well.

So, I purchased more licenses. Eventually we ended up with 1000 licenses for spelling city.

At the end of the semester it was important to me to evaluate exactly how helpful this service was, so I sent out a survey of all of the teachers who had the option to use it. I included the Math teachers, who did not use spelling city and they expressed a desire for the service but felt that it did not currently fit into their curriculum. I think that we may be able to encourage the math teachers to include Spelling City as an independent activity for at risk students.

Regardless, I have created a Prezi presentation on the results of the survey and would like to post the link here. You are welcome to examine it and post any comments you feel would add to the experience.